Malicious producers in phase 2 of sharding.

In this document, we'll compare the impact of the hypothetical malicious producer on the UNC system (both in the current setup and how it will work when phase2 is implemented).

Current state (Phase 1)

Let's assume that a malicious chunk producer C1 has produced a bad chunk and sent it to the block producer at this height B1.

The block producer IS going to add the chunk to the block (as we don't validate the chunks before adding to blocks - but only when signing the block - see Transcations and receipts - last section).

After this block is produced, it is sent to all the validators to get the signatures.

As currently all the validators are tracking all the shards - they will quickly notice that the chunk is invalid, so they will not sign the block.

Therefore the next block producer B2 is going to ignore B1's block, and select block from B0 as a parent instead.

So TL;DR - a bad chunk would not be added to the chain.

Phase 2 and sharding

Unfortunately things get a lot more complicated, once we scale.

Let's assume the same setup as above (a single chunk producer C1 being malicious). But this time, we have 100 shards - each validator is tracking just a few (they cannot track all - as today - as they would have to run super powerful machines with > 100 cores).

So in the similar scenario as above - C1 creates a malicious chunks, and sends it to B1, which includes it in the block.

And here's where the complexity starts - as most of the validators will NOT track the shard which C1 was producing - so they will still sign the block.

The validators that do track that shard will of course (assuming that they are non-malicious) refuse the sign. But overall, they will be a small majority - so the block is going to get enough signatures and be added to the chain.

Challenges, Slashing and Rollbacks

So we're in a pickle - as a malicious chunk was just added to the chain. And that's why need to have mechanisms to automatically recover from such situations: Challenges, Slashing and Rollbacks.


Challenge is a self-contained proof, that something went wrong in the chunk processing. It must contain all the inputs (with their merkle proof), the code that was executed, and the outputs (also with merkle proofs).

Such a challenge allows anyone (even nodes that don't track that shard or have any state) to verify the validity of the challenge.

When anyone notices that a current chain contains a wrong transition - they submit such challenge to the next block producer, which can easily verify it and it to the next block.

Then the validators do the verification themselves, and if successful, they sign the block.

When such block is successfully signed, the protocol automatically slashes malicious nodes (more details below) and initiates the rollback to bring the state back to the state before the bad chunk (so in our case, back to the block produced by B0).


Slashing is the process of taking away the part of the pledge from validators that are considered malicious.

In the example above, we'll definitely need to slash the C1 - and potentially also any validators that were tracking that shard and did sign the bad block.

Things that we'll have to figure out in the future:

  • how much do we slash? all of the pledge? some part?
  • what happens to the slashed pledge? is it burned? does it go to some pool?

State rollbacks

// TODO: add

Problems with the current Phase 2 design

Is slashing painful enough?

In the example above, we'd successfully slash the C1 producer - but was it

Currently (with 4 shards) you need around 20k UNC to become a chunk producer. If we increase the number of shards to 100, it would drop the minimum pledge to around 1k UNC.

In such scenario, by sacrificing 1k UNC, the malicious node can cause the system to rollback a couple blocks (potentially having bad impact on the bridge contracts etc).

On the other side, you could be a non-malicious chunk producer with a corrupted database (or a nasty bug in the code) - and the effect would be the same - the chunk that you produced would be marked as malicious, and you'd lose your pledge (which will be a super-scary even for any legitimate validator).

So the open question is - can we do something 'smarter' in the protocol to detect the case, where there is 'just a single' malicious (or buggy) chunk producer and avoid the expensive rollback?