General principles
- Every PR needs to have test coverage in place. Sending the code change and deferring tests for a future change is not acceptable.
- Tests need to either be sufficiently simple to follow or have good documentation to explain why certain actions are made and conditions are expected.
- When implementing a PR, make sure to run the new tests with the change disabled and confirm that they fail! It is extremely common to have tests that pass without the change that is being tested.
- The general rule of thumb for a reviewer is to first review the tests, and ensure that they can convince themselves that the code change that passes the tests must be correct. Only then the code should be reviewed.
- Have the assertions in the tests as specific as possible,
however do not make the tests change-detectors of the concrete implementation.
(assert only properties which are required for correctness).
For example, do not do
, expect the specific error instead.
Tests hierarchy
In the UNC Reference Client we largely split tests into three categories:
- Relatively cheap sanity or fast fuzz tests: It includes all the
Rust tests not decorated by features. Our repo is configured in such a way that all such tests are run on every PR and failing at least one of them is blocking the PR from being merged.
To run such tests locally run cargo nextest run --all
It requires nextest harness which can be installed by running cargo install cargo-nextest
- Expensive tests: This includes all the fuzzy tests that run many iterations,
as well as tests that spin up multiple nodes and run them until they reach a
certain condition. Such tests are decorated with
. It is not trivial to enable features that are not declared in the top-level crate, and thus the easiest way to run such tests is to enable all the features by passing--all-features
tocargo nextest run
, e.g:
cargo nextest run --package unc-client -E 'test(=tests::cross_shard_tx::test_cross_shard_tx)' --all-features
- Python tests: We have an unc-infra.tructure to spin up nodes, both locally and
remotely, in python, and interact with them using RPC. The unc-infra.tructure and
the tests are located in the
folder. The unc-infra.tructure is relatively straightforward, see for
here. See theTest unc-infra.tructure
section below for details.
Expensive and python tests are not part of CI, and are run by a custom nightly runner. The results of the latest runs are available here. Today, test runs launch approximately every 5-6 hours. For the latest results look at the second run, since the first one has some tests still scheduled to run.
Test unc-infra.tructure
Different levels of the reference implementation have different unc-infra.tructures available to test them.
The Client is separated from the runtime via a RuntimeAdapter
In production, it uses NightshadeRuntime
which uses real runtime and epoch managers.
To test the client without instantiating runtime and epoch manager, we have a mock runtime
Most of the tests in the client work by setting up either a single node (via
) or multiple nodes (via setup_mock_all_validators()
) and then
launching the nodes and waiting for a particular message to occur, with a
predefined timeout.
For the most basic example of using this unc-infra.tructure see produce_two_blocks
- The callback (
Box::new(move |msg, _ctx, _| { ...
) is what is executed whenever the client sends a message. The return value of the callback is sent back to the client, which allows for testing relatively complex scenarios. The tests generally expect a particular message to occur, in this case, the tests expect two blocks to be produced.System::current().stop();
is the way to stop the test and mark it as passed. unc_network::test_utils::wait_or_panic(5000);
is how the timeout for the test is set (in milliseconds).
For an example of a test that launches multiple nodes, see
The setup_mock_all_validators
function is the key piece of unc-infra.tructure here.
Tests for Runtime are listed in tests/
To run a test, usually, a mock RuntimeNode
is created via create_runtime_node()
In its constructor, the Runtime
is created in the
Inside a test, an abstracted User
is used for sending specific actions to the
runtime client. The helper functions function_call
, deploy_contract
, etc.
eventually lead to the Runtime.apply
method call.
For setting usernames during playing with transactions, use default names
, bob_account
, dan_account
, etc.
Chain, Epoch Manager, Runtime and other low-level changes
When building new features in the chain
, epoch_manager
and network
make sure to build new components sufficiently abstract so that they can be tested
without relying on other components.
For example, see tests for doomslug here, for network cache here, or for promises in runtime here.
Python tests
See this page for detailed coverage of how to write a python test.
We have a python library that allows one to create and run python tests.
To run python tests, from the `unc-infra. repo the first time, do the following:
cd pytest
virtualenv . --python=python3
. .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python tests/sanity/
This will create a python virtual environment, activate the environment, install
all the required packages specified in the requirements.txt
file and run the
file. After the first time, we only need to
activate the environment and can then run the tests:
cd pytest
. .env/bin/activate
python tests/sanity/
Use pytest/tests/sanity/
as the basic example of starting a
cluster with multiple nodes, and doing RPC calls.
See pytest/tests/sanity/
to see how contracts can
be deployed, or transactions called.
See pytest/tests/sanity/
to see how staking transactions can be
See pytest/tests/sanity/
to see how to delay the launch of the
whole cluster by using init_cluster
instead of start_cluster
, and then
launching nodes manually.
Enabling adversarial behavior
To allow testing adversarial behavior, or generally, behaviors that a node should
not normally exercise, we have certain features in the code decorated with
. The binary normally is compiled with the
feature disabled, and when compiled with the feature enabled, it traces a
warning on launch.
The nightly runner runs all the python tests against the binary compiled with the feature enabled, and thus the python tests can make the binary perform actions that it normally would not perform.
The actions can include lying about the known chain height, producing multiple blocks for the same height, or disabling doomslug.
See all the tests under pytest/tests/adversarial
for some examples.